2023 - 2024 MATES Project Terrapin Leaders
Overall and Outreach Division
Kailey Miller '24
Overall Coordinator
Kailey has been involved in Project Terrapin serving an Outreach instructor and helping with events including Jenkinson Aquarium's Terrapin Appreciation Day. She is student researcher who serves as a mentor to other students. Kailey is now coordinating activities and overall membership for Project Terrapin.
TJ Cooke '24
Outreach Coordinator
TJ has been involved in Project Terrapin the past few years serving as an Outreach instructor and working on developing outreach lessons related to terrapins for middle school students. He assisted with our Summer Experience Program and will be instrumental in this year's Outreach Programs.
Chloe Uy '24
Outreach Coordinator
Chloe has been involved in Project Terrapin the past three years serving as an Outreach instructor and helping with events from Jenkinson's Aquarium to Terrapin Tuesdays. She is student researcher and leader who likes to help other students and serves as a mentor for our younger students.
Abigail Jones '25
Outreach Assistant
Abby has been involved in all aspects of Project Terrapin the past two years serving as an Outreach assistant and even helping with terrapin research in the field during the summer. Abby volunteers her time at events and is an integral part of Project Terrapin.
Lexi Scrofani '24
Outreach Assistant
Lexi has been involved in Project Terrapin events and outreach programs. She will be instrumental in our winter outreach program and has served as "SCUTES" for events Lexi brings an enthusiasm to Project Terrapin as a leader.
Anthony Ruggiero '24
Outreach Assistant
Anthony has been involved in our winter outreach programs at MATES and at Save Barnegat Bay last season. He will be instrumental in coordinating and conducting this year's program.
Care Division
Andrew Cagliostro '24
Care Coordinator
Andrew has been involved in many aspects of MATES Project Terrapin the past three years helping with Care and Events. He is involved with community projects and is student researcher. Andrew also provides care for our adult female terrapin "Spinkles" over the summer.
Maya Abdelaal '25
Assistant Care Coordinator
Maya has been a part of our care program and Project Terrapin the past two years. She is also instrumental in research and serves as a RAD research coordinator. Maya provides summer care for our terrapin "Bubbles" and will be an outstanding Care leader.
Kira Kownacki '25
Care Feeding Coordinator
Kira has been an active part of our Project Terrapin Care program and is involved in many aspects of MATES and her sending school district. She will be an instrumental part of coordinating our turtle feeding program throughout the school.
Morgan Zylinski '25
Assistant Care Leader
Morgan is in her third year MATES and has made an impression in terms of her turtle care efforts and involvement in student research. She is a RAD coordinator and provides summer care to "Cherry and Guy" our red eared sliders. Morgan brings a lot of leadership experience to our Care Division.
James Alexander '24
Assistant Care Coordinator
James is a senior who has worked with terrapin care the past few years. He works with our aquatic turtles and is involved in numerous extracurricular activities at MATES and his sending district. James will provide key care leadership for our research room.
Julia Reid '26
Assistant Care Feeding Coordinator
Julia is in her second year at MATES and has been an instrumental member of our yearling feeding program. She will assist with implementing a diet plan for our turtles throughout the school.
Hatchling Division
Haley Austin '24
Hatchling Care Coordinator
Haley has been active in Project Terrapin working with our Hatchling and Events programs the past few years. She will oversee of our hatchling division in making sure that the terrapins are well cared for this year. She also assisted with our Summer Experience this year.
Matthew Thomas '25
Hatchling Care Coordinator
Matthew coordinated hatchling care his first year as a leader working with our hatchling and yearling terrapin volunteers. Matthew is organized and is a dedicated leader for our growing hatchlings program that will be responsible for over 50 hatchlings at MATES.
Joseph Fossa '24
Hatchling Ambassador Coordinator
Joe has been an active member of Project Terrapin throughout his three years at MATES. He works with events, care, outreach and rumor has it that he was even SCUTES. Joe will be working with expanding our hatchling head start program with other schools including care for protocols and training new hatchling care members.
Reagan Shaw '25
Assistant Hatchling Care Coordinator
Reagan has been involved in Project Terrapin the past two years serving in hatchling care and working with our head start hatchlings. Reagan has dedicated much time to the program and will be instrumental in improving our hatchling care program this year.
Micaela Marrinhas '26
Assistant Hatchling Care Coordinator
Micaela has been involved in Project Terrapin during her first year and served as a hatchling care volunteer for our hatchlings in the research program. Micaela was a consistent care provider who will help us to develop a more comprehensive care program this year and beyond.
Chloe Wnek '26
Assistant Head Start Coordinator
Chloe has been involved in Project Terrapin her first year at MATES assisting with hatchling care and volunteering in all aspects of Project Terrapin including conservation and events. She is also involved in student research and the school hatchling ambassador program.
Conservation Division
Caroline Liebmann '24
Conservation Coordinator
Caroline volunteered with Project Terrapin since she was a freshman. Caroline is passionate about environmental conservation and is an instrumental member of our school's Envirothon Team. In her spare time, Caroline is a member of Lacey Township Marching Band and Jazz Band. She is involved in numerous aspects of MATES and Project Terrapin as a leader and student researcher.
Michelle Kagramian '24
Conservation Leader
Michelle has been involved in Project Terrapin the past three years serving in numerous capacities. She worked events like Jenkinson's Aquarium Turtle Appreciation Day. She is student researcher who is always willing to help others and get involved in community projects that improve our environment. She is a RAD member is considered a students leader at MATES.
Malia Porter '24
Assistant Conservation Coordinator
Malia has been involved in Project Terrapin the past three years. She has been instrumental in conservation and assisting with all events and volunteer opportunities. Malia readily volunteers for events including Terrapin Tuesdays in the summer and hatchling watch with the Terrapin Nesting Project at LBI.
Events Division
Megan Ebinger '24
Events Coordinator
Megan has been active in Project Terrapin events as we started with public programs. From Jenkinson's Aquarium to Ocean Fun Day, Megan likes to interact with the public and will be an important part of coordinating our terrapin information. She is a member of the MATES Envirothon Team and is considered a leader at the school.
Adrian Perono '24
Events Coordinator
Adrian has been an active Project Terrapin the past three years, volunteering at school events and Terrapin Tuesday programs. He is an active leader in student government as well as student research. Adrian will be instrumental in coordinating Project Terrapin events.
Ava Boyle '25
Assistant Events Coordinator
Ava is a junior at MATES who has been active in Project Terrapin Events and helps with our head start hatchlings. She has been instrumental in our Terrapin Tuesday Program with the Long Beach Township Marine Field Station and is involved with student research.
Broden Connolly '24
Events Coordinator
Broden has been with events the past two years sharing information about terrapins and conservation at multiple events from Ocean Fun Day to Terrapin Tuesdays. He is a student researcher who interacts well with the public and enjoys talking about terrapins at our events!
Gianna Hoheb '24
Events Coordinator
Gianna has been a part of Project Terrapin throughout her time at MATES. She has taken part in numerous events as she makes sure that our mascot, Scutes, get out into the public. Gianna is active in the MATES School community. She is an active part of the MATES Spanish Club.
Community and Administrative Support
Grace Leavitt '24
Community Ambassador ​
Grace has been active in Project Terrapin the past three years and has been involved in Events and many community projects. She holds a number of leadership positions at MATES and has a knack for getting things done. She is a student researcher and and is considered a student leader and is community-focused.